Five Reasons to Join a Bowling League... pssh, as if you need a reason!
1. Opportunity to kick your friends butts in a competitive venue. Who doesn't love that? A darn fool, that's who!
2. Get Fit! Most people assume there is no health benefit to bowling.
Actually bowling can help a person gain balance, coordination, and
motor skills. Boring! Next reason...
3. Fun! Pretty sure we covered the fun factor in reason 1, however you
can also laugh at your friends while bowling... I mean "with" your
friends, eat pizza, and try on smelly shoes while worrying about ending
up with some funky toe fungus. Win, win, win!
4. Making new friends and meeting new people! Good thing too, you will
need this opportunity to make new friends after your old ones find out
how awesome you are at bowling a perfect game. #sorelosers
5. $$$ Just think of the sponsorship moola that will come your way!?
The professional endorsements are yours for the taking. Granted, you
will have to commit your life to bowling, train 24-7 and lug around a
heavy ball. Totally worth it to be known as a Proballer!
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