
Gone Fishing

A few years back, I had the pleasure of purchasing the Glass Bead Trip by Claudia Trimbur-Pagel.  It quickly became a favorite book in my personal collection.  Prior to reading the lovely book, I found myself trying to cram extremely fine stringer work onto a 10mm bead.  In addition to the fantastic techniques taught in her book, Claudia's use of large focals changed my mindset on size and launched me down a path of exploration. 
This weekend, I had the pleasure of reading Claudia's newest book titled Fish Recipes.  It didn't disappoint.  I love the personal challenge of learning techniques taught in books written by fellow artisans and adapting them to be a bit more silly.  So I asked myself, "What if Claudia's lovely fish was caught in the water intake pipe which cooled the radioactive core of a nuclear power plant?"  No eye rolling, it could happen.  The end result brought a smile to my face.  I highly recommend locking yourself in a studio with either of her wonderful books.  Enjoy! 

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